Integrated Total Solutions provides design build and engineered solutions primarily to customers in the Petrochemical, Oil & Gas, Power Generation and Pipeline sectors. We offer Project Management, Engineering, Construction, Commissioning, Field Service and Turnkey Services.
Let us help you with a solution!


Integrated Total Solutions is committed to providing our customers with quality services and products.
We recognize that quality is essential to our success and in producing a satisfied customer. 
Integrated Total Solutions meets our quality objectives by recognizing the following principles:

  • We are customer focused in understanding the customer’s quality objectives
  • We provide leadership to guide our employees towards our quality objectives
  • We believe that achieving quality requires effort from our employees, vendors, customers and community
  • We manage our activities and tasks through defined processes
  • We use a systematic approach to manage dependent processes
  • We understand that continual review and improvement are required to achieve higher goals
  • We use a factual approach to decision making
  • We establish long term relationships with our suppliers, vendors and contractors to provide the highest level of service and product value
  • We monitor our quality with an audit process

Integrated Total Solutions management are responsible for implementing, educating and maintaining a rigorous quality management system to lead and sustain these underlying quality principles.


...ITS' Quality



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